About Stay-Well

Danish based Stay-Well is a sister company to the companies 1StepAhead and A-team.

1StepAhead accumulates more than 20 years’ experience in the cinema industry, A-team almost 10 while Stay-Well founded in 2020 is the youngest member in the group of companies.

Stay-Well is the youngest member of the group of companies also comprising 1StepAhead and A-team with more than 20 years experience in the cinema industry.

Stay-Well was founded during the Corona pandemic. Stay-Well got a flying start by bringing greener and more cost-efficient solutions to some of the challenges imposed on the society by the pandemic.

Along with the pandemic fading out, it became possible for Stay-Well to re-allocate our resources to other areas than what got us started. With both our sister companies focusing on the cinema industry a long overdue reinvention of the cinema packaging products seemed obvious.

Based on a thorough assessment of all commercially available materials we concluded that achieving a solution constituting a perfect circular economy is not yet feasible. The European Union and the member states from the political side need to favor materials like for instance rPET before perfectly circular solutions are achievable for todays single-use products.

There are no doubts in our minds that the future will bring us the political climate needed for achieving the perfect solutions. And when that time comes you will find nothing less than perfectly circular solutions from Stay-Well.

When it comes to issues as important as the green transition, we do however not want perfect to become the enemy of good. That is why we as the 1st generation of green products have developed the Bamboo Series of products – thus taking the green solutions as far as the world is ready for right now.

Stay-Well is situated in Middelfart where two bridges are connecting the island of Funen with the mainland Jutland. Here the astonishing beauty of nature is an inexhaustible well of inspiration and motivation for constantly striving towards greener and better solutions.

The result is a series of products where we have utilized the nature’s contribution to the green transition by replacing wood-pulp-based paper with greener bamboo paper. This change alone is the first important step towards a greener future.

Add to the greener base-material the possibility to work with fossil-free and no-plastic coatings and you have with your packaging products taken a significant step ahead when compared to the traditional products.

For that, we believe that you will be rewarded with both better consciousness and an improved green profile when being assessed by the more and more climate-aware audience.

The Bamboo Series of packaging products was soft launched to the Danish cinemas in the late spring of 2022 and was overwhelmingly well received by as well the cinemas as the audience.

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